Results for 'Ruth A. Karron'

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  1. Planning for an influenza pandemic: Social justice and disadvantaged groups.Lori Uscher-Pines, Patrick S. Duggan, Joshua P. Garoon, Ruth A. Karron & Ruth R. Faden - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (4):32-39.
    : Because an influenza pandemic would create the most serious hardships for those who already face most serious hardships, countries should take special measures to mitigate the effect of a pandemic on existing social inequalities. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that anybody is thinking about that.
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    The Barnes Case: Taking Difficult Futility Cases Public.Ruth A. Mickelsen, Daniel S. Bernstein, Mary Faith Marshall & Steven H. Miles - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):374-378.
    The recent Minnesota case of In re Emergency Guardianship of Albert Barnes illustrates an emerging class of cases where a dispute between a family proxy and a hospital over “medical futility” requires legal resolution. The case was further complicated by the patient’s spouse who fraudulently claimed to be the patient’s designated health care proxy and who misrepresented the patient’s previously expressed treatment preferences. Barnes demonstrates the degree of significant administrative and institutional support to the health care team, ethics consultants, and (...)
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    Visual search for emotional expressions: Effect of stimulus set on anger and happiness superiority.Ruth A. Savage, Stefanie I. Becker & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
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    Kippley, Sheila Matgen. Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing.Ruth A. Lawrence - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (1):220-221.
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    Investigating the effects of access initiatives for underrepresented groups.Ruth A. Childs, Mark D. Hanson, Sandra Carnegie-Douglas & Alexis Archbold - 2017 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 21 (2-3):73-80.
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    Marx and Burke: a revisionist view.Ruth A. Bevan - 1973 - La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court Pub. Co..
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    Melody and the Historiography of Music.Ruth A. Solie - 1982 - Journal of the History of Ideas 43 (2):297.
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    Translating Karl Jaspers on Greatness.Ruth A. Burch & Helmut Wautischer - 2017 - Existenz 12 (1):1-5.
    Translations of Karl Jaspers' work into the English language have so far not been uniform in their choice of technical terminology. This scholarly renditionof Jaspers' ´Introduction´ to his seminal work "The Great Philosophers" stays to theoriginal German text as true possible by upholding its idiomatic cultural expressions, complex sentence structure, and nuanced particularities provided that clarity of communication can be maintained. The substantive contents and the significance of this text, whose principal topic is greatness, are outlined here. Communication with the (...)
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    Catholic women and the creation of a new social reality.Ruth A. Wallace - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (1):24-38.
    This article presents a sociological analysis of the changing role of women in the Catholic church over the past twenty years. The theoretical framework is drawn from The Social Construction of Reality by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Data are derived from the documents of Vatican II, the revised Code of Canon Law, research from 1965 to the present, and exploratory interviews with Catholic women recently appointed as church administrators. The article concludes with a discussion of future prospects regarding the (...)
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    Measuring mindfulness.Ruth A. Baer - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):241--261.
    The commitment to evidence-based practice in clinical psychology requires scientific investigation of the effects of treatment and mechanisms of change. Empirical evidence suggests that mindfulness-based treatments provide clinically meaningful improvement for people suffering from many important problems, including depression, anxiety, pain, and stress. However, the processes of change that produce these beneficial outcomes are not entirely clear. Central questions include whether mindfulness training leads to increases in the general tendency to respond mindfully to the experiences of daily life, and if (...)
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    Response.Ruth A. Wallace - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (1):94-95.
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    The effect of face inversion on the detection of emotional faces in visual search.Ruth A. Savage & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):972-991.
  13. TRADUCIENDO A JASPERS RESPECTO A LA GRANDEZA.Ruth A. Burch, Gladys Portuondo & Helmut Wautischer - 2018 - Estudios Sobre la Filosofía de Karl Jaspers 12 (1):1-5.
    Las traducciones al inglés de la obra de Karl Jaspers no han sido hasta el momento uniformes en su elección de la terminología técnica. Esta interpretación especializada de la Introducción de Jaspers a su obra seminal "The Great Philosophers" ("Los Grandes Filósofos", nota de la traductora) se mantiene fiel al texto original en alemán tanto como es posible, protegiendo sus expresiones idiomáticas culturales, la estructura compleja de la oración y los matices particulares, con la condición de que la claridad de (...)
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  14. On Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Ideal of Natural Education.Ruth A. Burch - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1):189-198.
    The aim of this contribution is to critically explore the understanding, the goals and the meaning of education in the philosophy of education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In his educational novel Emile: or On Education [Emile ou De l’éducation] (1762) he depicts his account of the natural education. Rousseau argues that all humans share one and the same development process which is independent of their social background. He regards education as an active process of perfection which is curiosity-driven and intrinsic to (...)
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    Introduction: Managed Health Care: New Institutions and Time-Honored Values.Steven H. Miles & Ruth A. Mickelsen - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (3):221-222.
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    In defense of development.Ruth A. Berman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):612-613.
  17. Aristotle's De Anima and Human Transcendence: Some Considerations from a Christian Perspsctive.Maria Liza Ruth A. Ocampo - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
  18. The Great Philosophers: Introduction.Karl Jaspers, Ruth A. Burch, Florian Hild & Helmut Wautischer - 2017 - San Rafael, CA, USA: Existenz.
    In the ´Introduction´ to "The Great Philosophers" Karl Jaspers explores the criteria for recognizing human greatness in general and in philosphers in particular. He comments on the historical process related to the selection and grouping of great philosophers. Jaspers acknowledges the questionable aspect of greatness, yet he affirms that such distinction is indispensable. The 1957 English translation by Ralph Mannheim and Hannah Arendt of Jaspers' Die Grossen Philosophen and all its subsequent editions did not include this Introduction. The translation offered (...)
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  19.  25
    Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback: a systems neuroscience framework.Tomas Ros, Bernard J. Baars, Ruth A. Lanius & Patrik Vuilleumier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Imagined verbal transformations as a function of age and verbal intelligence.Richard S. Calef, Ruth A. Calef, Edward Piper, Sheri A. Wilson & E. Scott Geller - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (2):109-110.
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    Verbal transformation as a function of boredom susceptibility, attention maintenance, and exposure time.Richard S. Calef, Ruth A. Calef, Edward Piper, Debra J. Shipley, Cynthia D. Thomas & E. Scott Geller - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):87-89.
  22. Taking Parenting Public: The Case for a New Social Movement.Enola G. Aird, Allan C. Carlson, David Elkind, William A. Galston, S. Jody Heymann, Wade F. Horn, Bernice Kanner, Juliet B. Schor, Raymond Seidelman, Theda Skocpol, Ruy Teixeira, Cornel West, Peter Winn, Edward Wolff & Ruth A. Wooden - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Taking Parenting Public makes a compelling case that parenting has become dangerously undervalued in America today. It calls for a new investment—both personal and public—into the work of raising children and argues that we are all "stockholders" in the next generation. With a foreword by Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West, Taking Parenting Public crosses boundaries to bring together thinkers from diverse fields spanning the political spectrum. It features contributions from distinguished experts in economics, political science, public policy, child development, (...)
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    Negative contrast as a function of reinforcement location and consistent vs. varied reward magnitude.Richard S. Calef, Ruth A. Calef, Andrew D. Prochaska & E. Scott Geller - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (6):471-474.
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    The stability of visual perspective and vividness during mental time travel.Jeffrey J. Berg, Adrian W. Gilmore, Ruth A. Shaffer & Kathleen B. McDermott - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 92 (C):103116.
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    Verbal transformations and boredom susceptibility.Richard S. Calef, Ruth A. Calef, Edward H. Piper, Sheri A. Wilson & E. Scott Geller - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):367-368.
  26. Styles of Rationality.Ruth Millikan - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds, Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
    By whatever general principles and mechanisms animal behavior is governed, human behavior control rides piggyback on top of the same or very similar mechanisms. We have reflexes. We can be conditioned. The movements that make up our smaller actions are mostly caught up in perception-action cycles following perceived Gibsonian affordances. Still, without doubt there are levels of behavior control that are peculiar to humans. Following Aristotle, tradition has it that what is added in humans is rationality ("rational soul"). Rationality, however, (...)
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    Altered Sense of Body Ownership and Agency in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Its Dissociative Subtype: A Rubber Hand Illusion Study.Daniela Rabellino, Dalila Burin, Sherain Harricharan, Chantelle Lloyd, Paul A. Frewen, Margaret C. McKinnon & Ruth A. Lanius - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  28. On swampkinds.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1996 - Mind and Language 11 (1):103-17.
    Suppose lightning strikes a dead tree in a swamp; I am standing nearby. My body is reduced to its elements, while entirely by coincidence (and out of different molecules) the tree is turned into my physical replica. My replica, The Swampman.....moves into my house and seems to write articles on radical interpretation. No one can tell the difference.
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    After helsinki: Unresolved issues in international research.Ruth Macklin - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (1):17-36.
    : Following a long process of revision, a new version of the Declaration of Helsinki was approved by the World Medical Association in 2000. Two provisions of the Declaration address ongoing international controversies regarding research sponsored by industrialized countries and conducted in developing countries. Despite the issuance of the final version of the Declaration, opponents remain locked in debate. Moreover, the Declaration remained silent on other prominent controversies concerning international research. An analysis of these current controversies reveals reasons why they (...)
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  30. On Reading Signs; Some Differences between Us and The Others.Ruth Garrett Millikan - unknown
    On Reading Signs; Some Differences between Us and The Others If there are certain kinds of signs that an animal cannot learn to interpret, that might be for any of a number of reasons. It might be, first, because the animal cannot discriminate the signs from one another. For example, although human babies learn to discriminate human speech sounds according to the phonological structures of their native languages very easily, it may be that few if any other animals are capable (...)
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    The new conservatives in bioethics: Who are they and what do they seek?Ruth Macklin - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (1):34-43.
    A new political movement has arisen in bioethics, self‐consciously distingushed from the rest of the ield and characterized by a new way of writing and arguing. Unfortunately, that new method is mean‐spirited, mystical, and emotional. It claims insight into ultimate truth yet disavows reason.
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  32. Against Constitutive Incommensurability or Buying and Selling Friends.Ruth Chang - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s1):33 - 60.
    Recently, some of the leading proponents of the view that there is widespread incommensurability among goods have suggested that the incommensurability of some goods is a constitutive feature of the goods themselves. So, for example, a friendship and a million dollars are incommensurable because it is part of what it is to be a friendship that it be incommensurable with money. According to these ‘constitutive incommensurabilists’ incommensurability follows from the very nature of certain goods. In this paper, I examine this (...)
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  33. Rawlsian resources for animal ethics.Ruth Abbey - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (1):1-22.
    : This article considers what contribution the work of John Rawls can make to questions about animal ethics. It argues that there are more normative resources in A Theory of Justice for a concern with animal welfare than some of Rawls's critics acknowledge. However, the move from A Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism sees a depletion of normative resources in Rawlsian thought for addressing animal ethics. The article concludes by endorsing the implication of A Theory of Justice that we (...)
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  34. The Market for Bodily Parts: Kant and duties to oneself.Ruth F. Chadwick - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):129-140.
    The demand for bodily parts such as organs is increasing, and individuals in certain circumstances are responding by offering parts of their bodies for sale. Is there anything wrong in this? Kant had arguments to suggest that there is, namely that we have duties towards our own bodies, among which is the duty not to sell parts of them. Kant's reasons for holding this view are examined, and found to depend on a notion of what is intrinsically degrading. Rom Harré's (...)
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  35. In defense of public language.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2003 - In Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein, Chomsky and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 215–237.
    ....a notion of 'common, public language' that remains mysterious...useless for any form of theoretical explanation....There is simply no way of making sense of this prong of the externalist theory of meaning and language, as far as I can see, or of any of the work in theory of meaning and philosophy of language that relies on such notions, a statement that is intended to cut rather a large swath. (Chomsky 1995, pp. 48-9) It is a striking fact that despite the (...)
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    Connected Lives: Human Nature and an Ethics of Care.Ruth E. Groenhout - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Connected Lives examines the account of human nature that is implicit in an ethics of care, a picture of human lives that emphasizes interdependency, embodiment, and social connectedness. The book makes important connections to the picture of human life found in theorists of love such as St. Augustine and Emmanuel Levinas, and shows that when care theory is articulated clearly, it provides resources for thinking through some of the difficult moral issues we face in the contemporary world, issues such as (...)
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    Implications of complex adaptive systems theory for interpreting research about health care organizations.Michelle Jordon, Holly Jordan Lanham, Ruth A. Anderson & Reuben R. McDaniel Jr - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):228-231.
  38. (1 other version)Creating Facts and Values.Ruth Anna Putnam - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (232):187-204.
    Moral sceptics maintain that there are no objective moral values, or that there is no moral knowledge, or no moral facts, or that what looks like a statement which makes a moral judgment is not really a statement and does not have a truth-value. All of this is rather, unclear because all of it is negative. It will be necessary to remove some of this unclarity because my aim in this paper is to establish a proposition which may be summarized (...)
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  39. Back to the Future: Marriage as Friendship in the Thought of Mary Wollstonecraft.Ruth Abbey - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (3):78-95.
    If liberal theory is to move forward, it must take the political nature of family relations seriously. The beginnings of such a liberalism appear in Mary Wollstonecraft's work. Wollstonecraft's depiction of the family as a fundamentally political institution extends liberal values into the private sphere by promoting the ideal of marriage as friendship. However, while her model of marriage diminishes arbitrary power in family relations, she seems unable to incorporate enduring sexual relations between married partners.
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  40. Daniel C. Dennett.Saul Kripke Haugeland, Ruth Millikan, Hilary Putnam, Richard Rorty, Jerome Feldman Brown, D. K. Modrak, Carolyn Ristau, Jonathan Schull, Stephen White & Andrew Woodfield - 1995 - In Paul K. Moser & J. D. Trout, Contemporary Materialism: A Reader. New York: Routledge.
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  41. Cloning.Ruth F. Chadwick - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (220):201 - 209.
    Every body cell of an animal or human being contains the same complete set of genes. In theory any of these cells can be used to start a new embryo. The technique has been employed in the case of frogs. The nucleus is taken out of a body cell of a frog and implanted in an enucleated frog's egg. The resulting egg cell is stimulated to develop into a normal frog, and will be an exact copy of that frog which (...)
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    Increased research literacy to facilitate community ownership of health research in low and middle income countries.Ruth G. St Fleur & Seth J. Schwartz - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (6):414-424.
    ABSTRACT The expansion of health research to low and middle income countries has increased the likelihood of exploitation and undue influence in economically vulnerable populations. In behavioral research, “reasonable availability”, which was originally developed for biomedical research and advocates for the equitable provision of any product developed during the research process, cannot always prevent exploitation. In such cases and settings, the informed consent process may lack cross-cultural validity and therapeutic misconceptions may arise. This article advocates for a mutual learning framework (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Sexual Exploitation and the Social Contract.Ruth Sample - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 32:189-217.
    Nearly everyone agrees that sexual exploitation occurs and that, when it does, it is morally wrong. However, there is substantial disagreement over what constitutes sexual exploitation and why it is wrong. Is sex between freely consenting adults ever exploitative? Is prostitution always exploitative? What features of sexually exploitative interactions lead us to regard them as morally wrong? And if sexual exploitation is morally wrong, what should be done about it?These are not new questions for the social philosopher. However, recent criticisms (...)
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    « Le machamba, c’est pour la vie ». Les contradictions de la paysannerie au Mozambique, dans un contexte de précarité.Ruth Castel-Branco, Nicolas Pons-Vignon & Bruno Tinel - 2022 - Actuel Marx 72 (2):41-58.
    Les dynamiques de classe du changement agraire en Afrique ont fait l’objet de débats importants. Dans son ouvrage de référence, Femmes, greniers et capitaux, Meillassoux prédisait en 1975 la cannibalisation de la paysannerie, avec la domination croissante des relations capitalistes dans les campagnes. Pourtant, près d’un demi-siècle plus tard, la paysannerie reste une construction sociale, économique et politique pertinente. En s’appuyant sur le cas du Mozambique, cet article explore les significations contradictoires de la paysannerie dans le capitalisme contemporain. La première (...)
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  45. “It’s all about factory farming:” German public imaginaries of gene editing technologies in animal agriculture.Amy Clare, Ruth Müller & Julia Feiler - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    Since its development, scientists have proclaimed that the novel gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas will allow them to modify organisms with unprecedented speed and accuracy. In agriculture, CRISPR-Cas is said to significantly extend the possibilities to genetically modify common livestock animals. Genetic targets in livestock include edits to optimize yield, minimize environmental impacts, and improve animal health, among other targets that could be environmentally, medically, and economically beneficial. In Germany, a transdisciplinary research consortium consisting of geneticists, local animal breeding organizations, social (...)
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  46. Solving the Heap.Ruth Manor - 2006 - Synthese 153 (2):171 - 186.
    The present offers a pragmatic solution of the Heap Paradox, based on the idea that vague predicates are “indexical” in the sense that their denotation does not only depend on the context of their use, but it is a function of the context. The analysis is based on the following three claims. The borderlines of vague terms are undetermined in the sense that though they may be determined in some contexts, they may differ from one context to the next. Vagueness (...)
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    Cognition of the Literary Work of Art.Ruth Ann Crowley & Kenneth Olsen (eds.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Work of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the basic (...)
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  48. Tzedakah: How We Choose Where We Give.Rabbi Ruth Adar - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  49. Ruth Whelan.Foix à la cité D'Erasme - 2010 - In Philippe de Robert, Claudine Pailhès & Hubert Bost, Le rayonnement de Bayle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation. pp. 115.
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    Can the Man of Tomorrowbe The Journalist Of Today?Jason Southworth & Ruth Tallman - 2013-03-11 - In Mark D. White, Superman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 26–36.
    The Society of Professional Journalists' (SPJ) Code of Ethics divides the institutional duties of a journalist into four main categories, designed to capture the essence of what it means to be a good journalist: seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently, and be accountable. Clark Kent being Superman first and reporter second means his reporting suffers. He does pretty well with respect to the section of the code that concerns treating “sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving (...)
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